Monday, June 16, 2014

Take Note

My note taking will probably never become completely digital. I still take detailed notes about youth literature in paper notebooks. Using apps such as Notability supports my digital note taking. This hybrid approach works for me.

Marzano's research shows us that note taking done well elevates student achievement.  Wondering about the best approach for them.


  1. What are your thoughts on Cornell notes?

    1. It seems like a solid approach to me (in fact I bought a few Cornell formatted notebooks recently). Need to dig into professional literature about its use in K-12. The method has elements that lead to higher level thinking - active listening, reflective questioning and identifying needed information, space to determine implications and action steps. Have you all used it at Solon?

  2. One teacher I know of has tried it out. As a standardized format, if one was to be prescribed, it seems like a reasonable one to choose. I see pros and cons to standardizing on a single note taking method.
